Josh is still alive, for now, and proves it with this short check-in on the whereabouts of his family, ideas to absolve his crushing debt, and why he's still proud of the whole podcast debacle.
With Season 1 over, Josh reflects on what he's learned, and the hard price he's had to pay for trying to make a successful show. The very, very hard price. Please call me, sweetheart. I just want our family back.
As Season 1 concludes, the co-hosts finally get ready to decide a topic for the show. But is it too late for Josh, whose life continues unravelling because of the podcast? Find out in the most probable-Emmy-winning episode yet!
Now that the co-hosts have been through 8 episodes of trying to figure out show topics, they realize there must be lots of great outtakes to play for listeners. They then realize there are no outtakes. Also: Scott makes a joke that sends Josh into a rage.
Could the name of the show (or lack thereof) really be the reason why it isn't making any money? The co-hosts discuss this intriguing new possibility, and try and think of some options. Plus: Josh has a very, very special surprise for Scott, who doesn't like it.
Realizing that listeners are the key to gaining rich sponsors, the co-hosts discuss how the show might actually gain an audience. Scott suggests using mathematics, subliminal messaging, and other tactics to attract listeners, while Josh's anxiety grows.
Even though the show still has no topic or focus, the co-hosts decide to discuss how they can promote it and gain listeners. Scott offers his suggestions for promotional messages and gaining devil-worshipping listeners, and Josh is reminded of his horrible podcast debts.
As the co-hosts continue their struggle to figure out a topic for the show, they consider the possibility that a special guest star could help. You'll never guess the famous musician who stops in for a chat! Plus: how Josh will lose everything if the podcast continues to fail.
How can the show finally attract sponsors? The co-hosts brainstorm ways, including improving the intro and making fake commercials. Also covered: whether or not Josh hates horses, how to pronounce Scott's last name, and much, much more.
The co-hosts are once again detoured from starting the show as they consider how music might help improve the listener/advertiser/cash flow situation. Also covered: whether or not Scott knows Sting, the North American Man/Boy Love Association, and more.
The co-hosts discuss the possibility that technical issues are stopping the show from gaining advertisers and riches. Also covered: improving the quality of the show through the use of expensive microphones, fancy accents, and more.
The co-hosts discuss why they're making this podcast, what a podcast is, and how they're able to be on the Internet. Also covered: using the podcast to get rich and pay off debts incurred by planning to get rich from making the podcast.